Look at the clues below and fill all the numbers you can into the grid. Then start again and use your answers to help solve the other clues.
2. 7 down minus 482 1. Four times eight
4. Number of weeks in a year 2. 12 across minus 16 across
5. Number of days in four weeks 3. 1640 doubled
7. Seven times nine 4. 6 down minus 5 across
8. 8617 re-arranged 6. Nine times nine
10. 15 down plus forty-two 7. Five times 121
12. Quarter of 100 9. Half of 1450
13. Half of 10486 11. 716 doubled
15. Half of 10 across 14. A third of sixty-three
16. Quarter of 4 across 15. Number of hours in two days
17. Four times twenty-two 17. Half of 164
18. 82+62+78 19. 100 divided by five