Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Responsibility Assembly

Today at R.I.S. we held our monthly character education assembly; this month’s theme was Responsibility.  The events began with the whole school happily singing our mission statement song.  
Then Mr. Emin handed out the Principal’s Awards to Iman Nishiki from Grade 2 and Kazuki Fujimoto from Grade 8.  
These awards are for two students in our school who demonstrate the character education theme the best.  Then he presented the prizes for competing in the Olympiads in Turkey to Semanur Saglam and Joshua Seo, congratulations on your hard work! 
After, Ms. Jones and her ESL classes gave a brief demonstration of what responsibility is and showed everyone a funny movie clip.   
Next up was the Grade 4’s who introduced our mascot, the bottlenose dolphin. Keep an eye out; you never know where it might show up in our school.
Recognition was then given to a student from each grade that best showed responsibility in their education and in the classroom. Congratulations to Audri(Grade 1), Iman(Grade 2), June(Grade 3), William(Grade 4), Miju(Grade 5), Liyan(Grade 6), Daniella(Grade 7), and Howard(Grade 8).  

Finally, we wrapped up the assembly with a short skit from our Student Council; they introduced Spirit Week, which will begin on Monday, and Spook-a-Ramas to R.I.S. 


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