Thursday, December 1, 2011


Have you ever wondered about that “who has the most powerful and well organized army in the world?” No, answer is not a country, it's you, and your body has an incredible defense mechanism against microorganisms, germs and pathogens around you. Here you will find an answer for the question “why do we get sick?" and also some interesting facts about pathogens, diseases and your immune system.

Ø  One of the most vital systems in the human body is the immune system, which is a network of specialized cells, tissues and organs that protect our bodies from potentially lethal invaders such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, microorganisms, parasites and other pathogens. The human body is constantly waging war against a barrage of invading microorganisms.
Ø  Lymphocytes are important cells in the body's immune system defense. Lymphocytes are formed in bone marrow. The cells that remain in the marrow will become known as B lymphocytes. Other lymphocytes migrate to the thymus and become T lymphocytes. The B cells main function is to gather intelligence on any invading microorganisms or pathogens. Once the B cells have identified and "locked on" (creating antibodies) to the invaders, the T cells are released to help destroy the pathogens. The specialized antibodies remain in the body, ready to fight the same infection should it ever return.
Ø  Dieting reduces the number of killer cells, which leads to a weaker immune system
Ø  It is very important to get your beauty sleep for at least 8 hours as less than 5 hours of sleep can significantly depress the immune functions.
Ø  When the immune system attacks a harmless substance or chemical in the body, it leads to an allergic reaction.
Ø  Some species of bacteria can reproduce every 20 minutes. Given unlimited resources, one bacterium could produce 1 million kilograms of bacteria in a day.
Ø  Vaccines are generally harmless forms of a pathogen or parts of a pathogen.One way to make a vaccine are to inactivate the viruses or to kill the bacteria that cause the disease.
Ø  Vaccine works just for viral infections like common cold and flu…etc…However antibiotic works just for bacterial infections like strep throat.
Ø  The immune system accounts for one percent of our bodies' 100 trillion cells. All white blood is leukocytes. White cells (like all blood cells) arise in the bone marrow. The brain does not control the immune system.
Ø  The number one way to boost the immune system is to reduce stress.
Ø  Dieting decreases natural killer cell functionality, therefore it reduces the power of the immune system.
Ø  Toxins such as air pollution, pesticides and even second-hand cigarette smoke can affect your body's natural defense system.
Ø  Studies show that people who lack humor in their lives tend to have less protective immune responses
Ø  Coughing and sneezing are part of the natural immunity system where the body is trying to eject pathogens and irritants from the respiratory system.
Ø  Saliva, tears and breast milk contain antibacterial enzymes to help fight off harmful bacteria.
Ø  One of the first responses to infection by the immune system is inflammation.
Ø  Fever can sometimes help the immune system fight off infection because certain pathogens are unable to tolerate higher temperatures, which can also increase the mobility of leukocytes and the proliferation of T cells.
Ø  The lungs and intestines secrete mucus, which can trap microorganisms, preventing them from entering the bloodstream and tissues.
Our body has a defense mechanism that is stronger, more organized and more efficient than the strongest armies in the world. In order to keep your body's defense system impregnable, pump your body with vitamins and minerals following a healthy diet. Exercise regularly and keep away from tobacco, alcohol and narcotics. Stay stress-free and keep laughing for a stronger immune system.

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