Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Professional Development Day of Teachers!

 Teacher appreciation makes the world of education go around.  ~Helen Peters
As the RIS school year continues it has become clear that our teaching team is made up of exceptionally well trained and qualified teachers. 
 Our teachers are using a variety of great teaching techniques, practices, methods and strategies that have been proven to work for our RIS student population. Just as we teach our students that learning is a lifelong process we as teachers must also continue increasing our knowledge to better our students. On Monday, November 21st, RIS teachers participated in our very first teacher lead professional development day.
Throughout the day teachers collaborated together to share their teaching strategies, classroom management techniques and information on the integration of educational technology into the classroom.
During the workshops teachers were also able to experience first had exemplar lesson as they became participants of other teacher’s lessons.
 It was an excellent opportunity for our staff to see firsthand how our coworkers are integrating the schools technology, classroom space, and educational resources to best teach our students. To celebrate the great success of the teacher collaboration and professional learning community we have started here at RIS the staff completed the day’s session with a fantastic dinner together. 

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