Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Grades 1-4 Field Trip to Seoul Grand Park for Sledding!

Yesterday Grade 1 through 4 had a great day sledding together at Seoul Land Sliding Park. Everyone enjoyed their time sliding & being out in the nice weather. Thank you to all the students for participating with a positive attitude and making this field trip a great one... And Thanks to all the teachers for providing this chance to students!
For Pictures Click here...

Grades 4-5 Holiday Show Entry Point

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sledding Day!

Today Grade 5 through 8 had a great day sledding together at Seoul Land Sliding Park. This field trip provided the perfect opportunity for our students to work & play together. Everyone enjoyed their time sliding & being out in the nice weather. Thank you to all the students for participating with a positive attitude and making this field trip a great one... And Thanks to all the teachers for providing this chance to students!

RIS Science Fair 2013

There were chemical rockets! There was tornado! There was a lot of dry ice! There was explosion (but just for demonstration)! And…there was some amazing science projects! The 2013 Rainbow International School Science Fair was a fun day for all involved.
Thanks again to everyone who volunteered at the fair and to all of the students and parents who attended. Please enjoy the photos of the fair and we hope to see you again next year!
Click the link to peruse photos from this year’s Science Fair on Flickr!

Friday, February 22, 2013

International Mother Tongue Day

At RIS we are trying to embrace our student and teachers home languages. We are going to integrate more of our mother tongue's into our day to day lessons. Yesterday was International Mother Tongue Day, one of our students spoke beautifully in his home language.
This is what he said:
大家好,我是葉丞 峻,我現在在六年級。我來自臺灣我的母語是中文。今天我對大家演說適因為我們學校決定開始一個新計劃,是關於學生的母語。今天是第ㄧ天進行這個新計劃。這 個計劃很快就會開始。各個年級的學生會被挑選出來,用他們的母語在老師的部落格上發表文章,或是在集會時用母語發表演說。我們都說著不同的語言是值得慶祝 的。有些老師甚至在課堂上進行母語活動。我希望各位喜歡我的母語演說,我知道我已經迫不及待想聽聽你們的語言
Hello, I am Jerry Yeh and I am in 6th grade. I am from Taiwan and my native language is Chinese. I am speaking to you today because our school has decided to start a new program involving student’s mother tongue. Today is the first day we are doing this. The program will start soon and student from all grade will be chosen to write something in their native language on their teacher’s blog or be chosen to present in their native language at an assembly. We all speak many different languages and we need to celebrate them. Some teacher are even doing mother tongue language activities in their class. I hope you enjoyed listening to me speak in my mother tongue, I know I can’t wait to hear what all of yours sound like!

February Assembly: Personal Goals

Today we had our character education assembly on Personal Goals. Personal Goals range from being individual, school, community, and worldwide goals. 

At RIS we believe in fostering students that aim to achieve the best they can be. In our assembly today the student council  showed a video on making a 'life plan' :), learning buddies in grades 2 and 4 presented all classes with recycling boxes and reminded us of the importance of recycling. 

Following this we had a re-cap of Eco-generation and recognized the students that participated in the forum to stop climate change. 

Bus safety has been a concern, to help everyone understand the rules the middle school students presented the main points to keep us safe on the bus. A goal that our school has is to recognize our student and teacher's mother tongues. Today happens to be International Mother Tongue Day, in recognition of this, one of our students (Jerry Yeh) made a beautiful presentation in his home language (Chinese) and translated it in English. 
We have also announced the fundraising results from the Spring Festival, we raised a whopping 1 000 050 won!! It has been a busy term for us so far and there were many awards to be given out. This included, best reader (Howard Yeh), sportsmanship (Umaid), results from the sketch-up competition, and the dodgeball tournament. The assembly concluded with the homeroom teachers presenting awards to one student from each grade who exemplifies 'personal goals' (grade 1-Hasan, grade 2-Laman, grade 3-Shakhina, grade 4-Johnny, grade 5-Semanur, grade 6-Tami, Grade 7-Mobark, and grade 8-Mert). Great Job RIS!!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Grade 4 & 5 Field Trip

Grade 4s and 5s visited the Gwacheon National Science 

Museum for our “Mission to Mars” exit point activity. We

saw exhibits about Science and Advanced Technology; we

watched a show in the planetarium about outer space and 

the “Goldilocks Zone” ~where temperatures are just right

for life! We also enjoyed the beautiful sunshine, got some

fresh air, and visited the Insectarium.

Date: February 22, 2012 Time: 1:30PM-3:30PM

Congratulations Johnny!

Johnny formulated and pursued 5 goals since the onset of the semester. He strove to improve his time management & listening skills, help out more at home, be respectful, and become a better math student. Although it was not always easy to adhere to his goals, Johnny tried hard, showed self-discipline, and awareness. I am extremely proud of his progress and accomplishments! Well done, Johnny!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Science Fair on Friday, February 22, 2013!

Participating in the school science fair is a fantastic opportunity to uncover the power of the scientific method. You'll ask new questions, discover new science facts, conduct experiments that lead you to ask new questions and make new discoveries, and ultimately gain a new understanding of how science works.
"Wondering" is an important part of any science lesson. Science education is more than just teaching the facts. Science is exciting and meaningful when it is presented in a hands-on way and when it provides answers to what you wonder about. The science fair is a perfect opportunity for you to explore your own questions and make your own discoveries.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Visit from Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education Supervisors!

Ms.Lois Chunok Choi (SMOE Senior Supervisor) and Ms.Winnie Chung (SMOE Supervisor) visited Rainbow International School today, February 15, 2012. 
After having Presentation about school, they had a small school tour.

Eco Generation... RIS News

EcoGeneration Forum

Rainbow International 5th - 8th grade students participated in the EcoGeneration Forum, sponsored by Samsung Engineering for our 2nd year! Rainbow students participated in the forum by creating environmentally education presentations, several of which were presented at the forum! We also spent two days sitting in interactive and educational environmental lectures and activities.
The students heard from Professor Sunjin, Yun from Seoul National University about Energy and Climate Change, Sustainable Development and from Representative Kilaparti Ramakrishna of Northeast region of UN ESCAP about  Climate Change and International Agreement. In addition to these lectures the students participated in in environmental games and a cinematic discussion on environmental movies. They enjoyed themselves and are one step closer to becoming environmentally proactive citizens of the world!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

December - January Newsletter

Science Fair 2013

RIS Science Fair 2013 will be held on Friday, January 22, 2013.

ISA Test (January 7-8)

Spring Festival Info

Five Fun Facts About Me!

1. I am from a very small town (population 4,000)
2. Je parle francais! (I speak French)
3. I have a dog named Belle
4. I love yoga and snowshoeing
5. I went to school in Switzerland!

Monday, February 4, 2013

School is closed on Monday due to snow accumulation

Due to the snow accumulation on the roads and streets in Seoul, RIS is closed on 

Monday, February 4, 2013.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Parent Brunch

Rainbow International School PTA was proud to organize Parent Brunch for RIS Parents on Saturday, February 2, 2013. RIS PTA President Mrs.Hansen gave a speech for parents and announced upcoming PTA events.
On Wednesday, PTA will arrange a winter festival.There will be fundraising for children.  

100th Day

Rainbow International School`s 100th Day in 2012-2013 Academic Year.

Dolphins Robotics

RIS Students participated in the First Lego League (FLL) competition on Saturday, January 26, 2013.