Friday, February 22, 2013

International Mother Tongue Day

At RIS we are trying to embrace our student and teachers home languages. We are going to integrate more of our mother tongue's into our day to day lessons. Yesterday was International Mother Tongue Day, one of our students spoke beautifully in his home language.
This is what he said:
大家好,我是葉丞 峻,我現在在六年級。我來自臺灣我的母語是中文。今天我對大家演說適因為我們學校決定開始一個新計劃,是關於學生的母語。今天是第ㄧ天進行這個新計劃。這 個計劃很快就會開始。各個年級的學生會被挑選出來,用他們的母語在老師的部落格上發表文章,或是在集會時用母語發表演說。我們都說著不同的語言是值得慶祝 的。有些老師甚至在課堂上進行母語活動。我希望各位喜歡我的母語演說,我知道我已經迫不及待想聽聽你們的語言
Hello, I am Jerry Yeh and I am in 6th grade. I am from Taiwan and my native language is Chinese. I am speaking to you today because our school has decided to start a new program involving student’s mother tongue. Today is the first day we are doing this. The program will start soon and student from all grade will be chosen to write something in their native language on their teacher’s blog or be chosen to present in their native language at an assembly. We all speak many different languages and we need to celebrate them. Some teacher are even doing mother tongue language activities in their class. I hope you enjoyed listening to me speak in my mother tongue, I know I can’t wait to hear what all of yours sound like!

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